Consulting (コンサルティング)/ 栃木県宇都宮市
KIDD Internationalのコンサルティングは以下のサービスを含みます:
- 学校のサポート - 教師養成、専門分野の発育、アセスメント(試験や検定、テストなど)の評価
- 企業や大学、インターナショナルスクール、学校、幼稚園などの言語教育におけるカリキュラム構成、発育プログラムやセミナー、講義
- 海外に短期/長期にわたって転勤、留学時の言語トレーニング
- プレゼンテーショントレーニング ー 英語でのプレゼンテーション作成から発表指導

We offer a range of specialized consulting services to support your professional objectives. We work closely with you at all stages of the process to guarantee your needs are being met. Our professional staff guide you in order to establish specific tangible goals that are clearly outlined and methodically accomplished. We provide expert guidance and support through every step of this process.
We provide an extensive array of specialized consulting services tailored to meet your specific individual, institute or business needs. We work closely with you to identify your objectives and outline how these can effectively be achieved and supported. Our services include:
- School support - teacher training, professional development and student assessment.
- Curriculum - development of language curriculum for kindergartens, schools, universities and companies.
- Business communication skills - language training for short/long term periods abroad.
- Professional development - programs, seminars and lectures for business and education institutes.
- Presentation training - preparation, writing and delivery skills.